Puppy Kidney Disease

Useful Links

General Kidney Disease Info


This is a great website created by another dog lover with an excellent summary on kidney disease and supportive care. I found this website extremely helpful when first starting to learn about Canine kidney disease. The website also has a lot of articles on diet and other canine diseases.


Another website created by a dog lover who lost his dog to kidney disease. Tony has written a number of articles on canine kidney disease and is an active member in facebook groups helping others with their questions.


Kidney disease staging definitions and suggested treatment plan by IRIS (International Renal Interest Society)


Just Food For Dogs Custom Diet

Just Food For Dogs Renal Support Diet

Darwins Kidney Diet

Answers Kidney Diet Flipbook

Dr Harvey Canine Health

ACVN Board Certified Vet Nutiritonists

Facebook Groups

Puppies with Renal Dysplasia and CKD

Canine Kidney Disease

Dogs with renal failure and kidney disease


The Royal Treatment: A Natural Approach to Wildly Healthy Pets

Raw & Natural Nutrition for Dogs: The Definitive Guide to Homemade Meals

The Forever Dog: Surprising New Science to Help Your Canine Companion Live Younger, Healthier, and Longer