Puppy Kidney Disease

Supporting Low Appetite

Last Updated: 03/22/2023

Dogs with kidney disease often have low appetite. Because of the kidney’s inability to properly filter out toxins, it builds up in the body which often causes nausea and inappetence. I’ve heard that this often manifests in later stages of kidney disease, but in Arlo’s case, he had a very low appetite even though he was in stage 2. In fact, he had a pretty low appetite since the day we brought him home. At first I thought he was just a picky eater, (and maybe he is), but a big part of it due to his kidney disease.

Like other dog owners supporting dogs with kidney disease, I’ve tried many things to get Arlo to eat. It’s a daily struggle that continues. I was particularly concerned when Arlo was young as he was quite underweight. With puppies especially, we want to make sure they eat well to grow healthy (even if they do have kidney disease). To further complicate matters, many kidney-support diets that vets prescribe are not specifically for puppies (growth), they are for senior dogs. They are also not the most palatable. For this article, I’ll focus more on strategies and things I’ve tried to get Arlo to eat when he has a low appetite, instead of a discussion about kidney-support diets.

Feeding styles


Enticing with food

Ideally I would like to get Arlo to eat using food instead of medication. Here’s a list of things I’ve tried. Many of these items can separately be considered “treats”, and Arlo will generally (but not always) take some treats even if he has a low appetite. Many of these may not be considered “healthy” for a dog with kidney disease, but I believe it’s worth trying as most will generally agree that it is better for a dog to eat something than nothing.

Overall, other than Entyce medication, I still haven’t found the fool-proof secrets to helping increase Arlo’s appetite. I’ll keep trying and add to the list.